On November 15th, subscribers to our
Projects of the Month will be getting a fantastic batch of projects! If you haven't signed up, what are you waiting for? You get 36 projects (3 per month for 12 months) for $36 - that's $1 per project. A no-brainer, IMO.
Here's what's on tap for November:
American FlagThis project has it all: a bit of math, valuable lessons in spatial thinking and planning, and use of color and components. You start with a schematic drawing of the American flag, and create its geometrically accurate SketchUp model.

Cutout from a Photo
If you've ever wanted to jump into a SketchUp model, here's the next best thing. All you need is a digital photo, and you can create a "cardboard cutout" component to stick in any model. Bonus: this cutout always faces you, so it doesn't look like it's 2D.

Cube Nets
I've worked with a lot of geometry teachers lately, and this is just the sort of thing they want to see. A cube can be "unfolded" into 11 nets. This project will show how to find all 11 distinct solutions, but you don't have to share the answers with your students till they've tried it themselves.

Feedback on our past projects was incredibly positive; I'm excited to see how these projects go over! Again,
here's the link to sign up.
Anyone can design anything in 3D! www.3dvinci.net