Giant Mutant Killer Ants
In this project, you use SketchUp to pick a spot on Earth and import some huge ants that will be taking over a city. Then you get too see what the creatures look like on the actual Earth (well, Google Earth, the next best thing).

Walk Through
This project shows how to use SketchUp's Walkthrough tools: Position Camera, Walk, and Look Around, to create an animated tour of a house's interior. (My animation from this project can be found in the next blog post - scroll down or go to

Moire Pattern
This project is better seen as an animation - by creating sets of stripes of various sizes, you can create a model that shows a Moire pattern, in which your eye fills in wavy black curves where no curves actually exist. (See my animation father down on this blog:

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Anyone can design anything in 3D!