Monday, December 1, 2014

SketchUp to Layout, Updated for 2015

I still have on my "to-do" list an update for my LayOut book, as well as a speciality book on LayOut real-world case studies. But in the meantime, if you need to get your LayOut 2015 skills in gear, read on!

I've written a few times about Matt Donley (aka "MasterSketchUp") since he first published his SketchUp to LayOut e-book in 2013. Matt's webstore is SketchUp to LayOut, where he sells his book and training packages.  And his materials are all fully updated for SketchUp 2015!

 There are three packages on offer, which you can view at the very bottom of the SketchUp to LayOut page:
  • The Basic Package contains the 288 page e-book.
  • The Professional Package includes the book, plus an assortment of materials, hatch patterns, templates, styles, and LayOut scrapbooks. This package also includes discounts for other plugins and tutorials.
  • The Video Course includes all of the above, plus over three hours of instructional video you can stream or download.
Also worth checking out: Matt's MasterSketchUp site. This is mainly a blog with a wealth of modeling tips and tricks. The latest tips have to do with integrating plugins (extensions) from 2014 to 2015. Lots of good stuff in there!

Anyone can design anything in 3D!

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