Windowizer 3 is free, and you can get it here. (There's a version 4 out, which costs a mere $10, which I haven't tried yet.) Once you download the ZIP file, unzip and place all of its contents (several RB files and a TXT) into the "Plugins" folder of your SketchUp installation. You can read the TXT file for info and instructions.
Here's what I did with Windowizer 3:
I've got a building with three "blank" windows. The colored squares along the side are only texture placeholders - Windowizer can paint window frames and glass either with a couple of default colors, or with colors that are already found in your model.

Since I want all three windows to look the same, I select all three, right-click on one of them, and choose Windowizer / Windowize. (Any face that will be windowized must have 4 edges and define a plane.)

All windows will be the same, so I click Yes. (If I clicked No, I would get Settings window for each window separately.)

The Windowizer Settings window is where I can set the various window properties: rows / columns, mullions and frames, insets, and materials.

After clicking OK, all three windows have the new properties.

Windowizer 4 has the option to make groups out of your windows, but not Version 3. So if you wanted to use components, you would make a single window, make it into a component manually, and copy the component. If you're making dozens of windows, components are the way to go.
To change one of the windows, I right-click on one of the glass faces and choose Windowizer / Edit Window.

"Change to Current Settings" means you want to change the window to the properties currently in use. Those properties are the ones this window already has, so I click No.

The Settings window appears again, and I changed the window to have a different glass color and fewer columns.

Now I want to copy these new settings to another window. So I right-click on a blue glass face and choose Windowizer / Inherit Settings. Now the settings of the blue window become the current settings.

Now I right-click on a red window and choose Windowizer / Edit Window. And this time, I click Yes when asked to change to current settings. This changes the red window to match the blue one.

Windows don't have to be rectangular - any four-sided polygon will work.

You're also not limited to just windows. From the Windowizer website, these pictures show a stair rail and bookcase created with Windowizer:
Give it a try!
Anyone can design anything in 3D!
Thanks, Bonnie!
This is an extremely useful introduction to a very useful tool. The Smustard folks should add a link to it on the Windowizer page.
hi bonnie,
great article. are you sure the link to the windowizer page is correct? i tried it and got nowhere.
Hi Edson, the link seems OK to - it should go to Let me know if that doesn't help.
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for the write-up! Hopefully it will be helpful and informative to many SketchUp users.
I think Edson's comment refers to the third link, which tries to access, which should be
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for the great write-up on Windowizer 3. I hope it is helpful and informative to many SketchUp users.
I think Edson was referring to the third link in your article, which references
This should be (for some reason, the www prefix is mandatory for that URL).
Thanks again,
Thanks, this should prove very useful. But I can't get it to show up in the Plugins dropdown of SKetchup 8...I placed all the rb files into the plugins folder but no go. Any ideas?
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