Baseball Diamond
Spring means baseball (at least for those of us in the US), and laying out a baseball field is a great exercise in geometric thinking. Once you know the distance between bases, the radii of the arcs at the bases and pitcher's mound, plus a few more measurements, you can easily create your field.

DNA Helix
A few people have requested this project, and once I got into it, I saw that it was a bit more involved than I expected (it's been a long time since I took a biology class!) So I've broken this into two projects: Part 1 is included in May and Part 2 will go out in June.
Part 1 shows how to create the "skeleton" of the two helixes plus the base pairs between them.

Part 2 will show how to transform the skeleton into the 3D model.

Painting Wallpaper
Any digital image can be used to paint a face in a tiling pattern. This project shows how to take a wallpaper swatch from the Internet or your digital camera, and use it to paint a wall. You'll also see how to handle images that don't tile seamlessly.

The subscription is a mere $36 for 12 monthly sets of 3 projects. You can sign up here.
Anyone can design anything in 3D!
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