Friday, July 17, 2009

Music Video Made with SketchUp

I saw this on the official SketchUp blog, and had to include it here as well. Seems a Canadian musician named Dave Righton had an idea for his video, used SketchUp to storyboard the video, then ran out of money to get it produced. So for about $14, he just did the whole thing himself in SketchUp (plus a bunch of extra video effects).

At first I wasn't nuts about the song itself, though after playing it a bunch of times, it's growing on me. But I AM nuts about Righton's use of scenes and animation, 2D "face-camera" components, with translucency no less, and the interesting placement of 3D Text components. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.

Those who have been using SketchUp since at least Version 6 will recognize the "Bryce" component watching the band; I counted two Bryces actually. Bryce used to be the default person you'd see in new SketchUp 6 files (now it's Sang in Version 7).

Anyone can design anything in 3D!

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