As soon as I got home and showed these to my kids, they sat on the floor playing with them (and fighting over them) for a long while. My 9-year old made the snail.
Anyone can design anything in 3D!
A source of info for people interested in 3D design and its applications for education and for design pros.
I want to thank you for all the information you have about Sketch up. We are a small school ( and we have started a high school this year. Its very non-traditional...we have 2 full time freshmen that come all day monday thru friday, and we have 12 more homeschool kids that come in various times for various classes. This year I have become a teacher for the "electives" for our freshmen. I am using SketchUp for our graphic arts class. I have never used SketchUp till I started this class. Your projects are a Godsend for our class. I started to search for more information about SketchUp lesson plans and I am soooo glad I came upon your site. It has been informative and useful. I have subscribed to the projects of the month club, which we are using for our class projects. I have been working on the Escher Triangle project. It has taken me about 3 hours and lots of "undoing" but feel a sense of accomplishment now that I have done it.
The only training they had was help by asking me as we went. It was very much a trial and error on all of our parts... but great fun. And for them to help create what is now the teen center was really cool for them.If you want to download this model, get it here in the 3D Warehouse.