Monday, August 8, 2011

What's Coming in Our August Projects?

Even if you're spending your last weeks of summer sitting on a beach, I hope you're stilll thinking (in the back of your mind?) about fun things you can do on your computer! After all, it does rain sometimes, even in paradise...

Anyway, for our project subscribers, here's what's coming out next week:

Box of Blocks

In this project, you start with a box with a single block . . .

. . . And use array copies (first-to-last with spaces in between) to figure out how many blocks will fit in the box.

Stained Glass Window

In this project you start with a downloaded image of an arched stained glass window . . .

. . . And import it into SketchUp to use as an actual window (one that you can see through!)

Snowflake Triangles

This is a nice and simple project, based on something I saw at a local museum. You build a symmetric pattern from a set of equilateral triangles . . .

. . . And make rotated copies of that pattern to see the resulting "snowflake." It's pretty neat, since it's not always easy to tell exactly what you're going to get!

You won't regret signing up for our projects - you get 3 projects per month for a year. And it's still just $36 - $1 per project!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Anyone can design anything in 3D!

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