We have great projects coming out next week, by teacher request. If you're not a subscriber, you can sign up here.
Standard Views
You know how easy it us to use your middle mouse button to orbit around to any isometric view of a model.

Recently I've had several teachers ask how to produce standard orthographic views (front, top, etc.) of SketchUp models. This project shows how to easily produce these views, as well as how to save them for easy display.

Mixing Styles
You've probably checked out the various styles provided in SketchUp, and maybe created some of your own. This project will show you how to mix styles - combine properties of styles into one, new style.

Infinite Hexagons
This fun project is a favorite in the enrichment class I teach - it's easy and produces an interesting result - a "tunneling" animation into a set of ever-shrinking hexagons.
To get these cool projects, and 11 more sets throughout 2012, please sign up here - it's just $36 for the year!
Anyone can design anything in 3D! http://www.3dvinci.net/
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