I was there with my Afinia printer, showing how easy it is to take a SketchUp model into a printer. The second most popular model was the Lego bunk beds, but in the shuffle of the crowds, each one I printed out managed to get stolen (the nerve!) before I could take pictures. But I did have a couple left of the MOST popular model - an elephant whose legs actually move. (You can find this model on Thingiverse.) People didn't believe it was a single print, and I myself hadn't seen something like this before!
With the Afinia I was able to create the striped version easily.
If you print this yourself, watch out - the trunk breaks off easily. I'm spending today printing out a few of these for my family.
The printer worked like a champ all weekend. It was running pretty much without a break all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and other than a couple of recalibration, needed no maintenance. All I did today was clean the nozzle and clear out the gears. It even traveled well in my rolling suitcase.
It was a great show, and I hope to do it again next year! I also hope to join SketchUp at some upcoming Maker Faires.
Anyone can design anything in 3D! http://www.3dvinci.net/